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JamiaShadi, your trusted platform for Muslim matrimonial services in Delhi. Below, we address common questions related to our services, filters, and connecting with potential matches.
How can I find suitable profiles on JamiaShadi?
Our match making counselor narrow down profiles preferences based on age, location, religion, and more.
Explore suggested matches on WhatsApp directly.
How do I express interest in a profile?
Connect families on call or whatsapp directly and show your interest.
What is the process for registration?
Visit our website at
Click on the “Apply/Registration” button to create your profile.
How can I request a call back?
Contact us via call at +919311734337.
Use the “Request A Call Back” option on our website.
💌 Contact Details:
📧 Email id:
📱 Mobile Number: +919934743181
📍 Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-110025
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